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Questions tagged [tags]

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Should we add "category-theory" tag?

There is emerging field of categorical deep learning whose recent article is and their company has just raised 33M from Khosla ventures
TomR's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is trend data related to tags available?

I think I recall seeing somewhere that after a certain reputation level users get access to things like site analytics/data etc. I was curious if this means that high-reputation users have data on ...
Ethan's user avatar
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7 votes
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Do we need both orange and orange3 tags?

Recently many orange posts have had the orange3 tag also added. Is there a compelling reason for the existence of both tags? At time of posting, there are 77 questions tagged with orange3 and 179 ...
Ben Reiniger's user avatar
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Tag Request - PLS

I was going to create a new tag for the site for pls (Partial Least Squares), but this action requires 1500 reputation. A quick search of this subject on the site ...
Ethan's user avatar
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4 votes
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Should we burninate unbalanced-classes tag and merge it with class-imbalance?

Currently there are two tags for class imbalance, class-imbalance and unbalanced-classes. Given that they refer to the exact same thing, and that the standard term in the literature is "class ...
desertnaut's user avatar
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Misspelled sematic-similarity tag

I came across the sematic-similarity tag. It is seldom used but it should be spelt correctly at least. Can someone update the tag?
Valentin Calomme's user avatar
6 votes
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Difference between hyperparameter and hyperparameter-tuning tags

It seems that there are two similar tags: hyperparameter and hyperparameter-tuning (see below) Both tags are used at relatively ...
Valentin Calomme's user avatar
1 vote
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Feature request: "intuitive" tag

I come to see many questions which in essence mostly ask for some intuition about a concept. Actually, I would argue that most of the top questions on this site could be considered intuition question, ...
Valentin Calomme's user avatar
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Should math and mathematics be tag synonyms?

There are two tags, math and mathematics, which I believe should be made synonyms of each other. On another note, they do not have usage guidelines. My assumption would be that a question tagged with ...
Valentin Calomme's user avatar
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Q: Should suggesting tag synonyms be more accessible?

Context I saw a question with the tag k-nn for K-Nearest Neighbors. I thought it was a typo and that it should be changed to knn...
Valentin Calomme's user avatar
3 votes
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Why do we have an MLP tag?

Ran across a question with the mlp tag today. As of asking this question, the mlp tag has 52 questions and no tag description, ...
Itamar Mushkin's user avatar
3 votes
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Want tag for graphviz

It would be great if there were a tag for questions about graphviz within jupyter notebooks. This would be applicable to the question How to display graph with MathJax in jupyter notebook?.
JoeNahmias's user avatar
3 votes
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Rejected Tag Wiki

For the last several months, I spend some time once every while to improve the Tag Wiki of Data Science Site. In most of the cases, I look on other Stack Exchange sites if they have a decent Tag ...
Tasos's user avatar
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Feature request: Creating a new tag

I came accross this channel from my question: How to start with Speaker Verification? Actually in the question in the above link i was asking 'How to kick-start with the model development and what ...
Surya Bhusal's user avatar
3 votes
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Feature Request: Create new tags during question edit

Is there a way to add a new tag without adding it in a new question? I think the site would benefit from the tag addition of "isolation-forest" as I have seen a few of these questions pop up recently. ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Announcement: New tag for questions related to self-driving vehicles

I have created a new tag named: self-driving for accommodating all the self-driving tech related questions. So, if you find any such questions, feel free to edit. Also, if you have any tag-requests,...
Dawny33's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How aggressively should we curate tags?

I suggested an edit changing the tag of the only digit-recognition question to ocr (it has 11 questions). In my opinion, there's no use in such tag fragmentation. I've also found methods, it is not ...
Mephy's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

The description of the tag feature-extraction is too restrictive and misleading

The current description for the tag feature-extraction is the following: Variables (used for prediction or explication) used in regression or regression-like ...
Eskapp's user avatar
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1 answer

Rename [scikit] tag to [scikit-learn]

I'm proposing the renaming/synonymizing of [scikit] tag to [scikit-learn]. Why? The tag has the form [scikit-learn] also in Stack Overflow and Cross Validated The tag in its current form can attract ...
tuomastik's user avatar
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Tag "energy" - is it appropriate for this site?

There are three questions tagged "energy". I first thought they would be related to some (unknown to me) concept of "energy of neural networks" or "energy measure of classification algorthms", or ...
VividD's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Tags 'recommendation" and "recommender-system"

I see there are tags "recommendation" and "recommender-system". My question for discussion is: Is this on purpose? If not, should we merge them into one, let's say "recommender-system"? There are ...
VividD's user avatar
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5 votes
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Should the "deep-learning" tag be removed?

It seems as if the deep-learning tag could always be replaced by neural-network. Should we remove the deep-learning tag and add a notice that the neural-network should be used instead?
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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Tags request: rdf, sparql, owl, rdfs

When I search I find multiple questions containing "sparql" or other terms. Here is my request for creating following tags: rds, sparql, owl, rdfs - all related with graph databases, datasets and ...
Grzegorz Wierzowiecki's user avatar
8 votes
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Let's have pyspark tag

Some time we need to distinguish the question for PySpark from spark or apache-spark, so there should be a separate tag ...
krishna Prasad's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between nlp and text mining?

I have noticed two tags nlp and text-mining. I am not a complete literate when it comes to processing natural language. So, wondering whether they are same or not?
Dawny33's user avatar
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Is there a specific reason for the lack of 'notation' and 'terminology' tags?

I feel like 'what does this notation mean' and 'what term would be used to describe this' questions come up/will come up a lot.
aeroNotAuto's user avatar
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Burninate [dataset]

There are currently 63 questions tagged dataset, but no tag wiki. I struggle mightily and unsuccessfully to find a good use of it in the DS.SE context. Requests for data are migrated to OpenData, ...
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
4 votes
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Should the recommendation tag be burninated?

The recommendation tag seems to be use for a variety of questions most of which could do without it. Should the tag be burninated?
asheeshr's user avatar
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Should we have a tag to identify questions concerning specific published papers?

I was just editing Trying to understand free-energy equations in a Karl Friston neuroscience article and thought it might be useful to have a tag identifying questions specifically concerning one or ...
Air's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the purpose of the [bigdata] tag?

This question is currently tagged big-data: Handling a regularly increasing feature set It seems like users will tend to add this tag whenever they have some feeling about the "bigness" of their data....
Air's user avatar
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3 answers

How should we tag questions related to data that has a time dimension?

This morning, I suggested an edit to a question to change "dataset" to "unbalanced panel data" in the title and add a panel-data tag. Soon after, I found a question asking about longitudinal data, ...
Air's user avatar
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2 votes
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Proper format for tags

I noticed a pattern in tags from CSTheory, which consists of adding an abbreviation before the name of an area. For example, if the tag is probability, they write ...
Rubens's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Is visualization an integral part of Data Science?

In an answer to the question about what characterises the difference between data science and statistics, the main differentiation referred to Data collection, Data manipulation, Data scale, Data ...
Marco13's user avatar
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Should we adopt a [self-study] tag like stats.SE in scope and approach?

Should we implement a [self-study] tag in a similar way to stats.SE? I think that curious people will be drawn to this site to find out more about big-data in general. My question is mainly two-fold:...
Clayton's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

What is the point of the [data-science] tag?

Why do we have a data-science tag? It's quite obviously redundant, and it could be applied to every question on the site, so why does it exist? This seems like having a [programming] tag on ...
Doorknob's user avatar
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