As you might remember, around a year and a half ago, this community's first election failed — as this community's "fully graduated," elections are a vital part of the moderator selection process, as opposed to "Beta" sites' staff-picked pro-tem moderators. To add to that, since then the Community Team's noticed that the bulk of the flag handling's still been mostly done by a single moderator.
To avoid finding ourselves in a similar situation as our first attempt at an election for Data Science, I'm posting this to try to assess the community members' willingness to step up and nominate themselves, in a possibly upcoming election.
Please leave an answer if you'd be willing to run for a moderator position, should we decide to run an election. We're currently looking at starting question collection sometime in Feb./Mar. '19.
NOTE: This is not an official election nomination thread, just a "pulse check" to get a notion of how many people here would be willing to step up, so you don't have to put up your whole election nomination.