I'm a little confused, I'm a newcomer to the StackExchange community in general and I've been wondering why there's an abundance of downvotes for certain questions that seem to be non-homework and fairly genuine, interesting questions.
Could anyone elaborate on these reasons, (for reference, if you search for some of the newest questions, you'd immediately see a stream of questions, with downvotes for a reason that is not immediately obvious), if anyone could shed some light on this, I'd appreciate it.
EDIT: Some questions:
- Probability Distribution and Likelihood in the context of Deep Learning
- Q-learning with a state-action-state reward structure and a Q-matrix with states as rows and actions as columns
- Time Series Clustering, then Classification, need consistent data points? 4.Sklearn function to show probability of each word in cluster generated through LDA
- Is there a way to measure the performance of a neural network without using all the data?
Mind you, these are all of the newest questions.