To answer your question, we must ask: what is the point of the "accepted" answer?
You are asking for more reasons to allow somebody (who that someone is exactly, is to be determined) to anoint an answer as "accepted". But to what end? IE: Why? What is the supposed benefit, of someone beside the OP, choosing an accepted answer?
In general, the "best" answer should be the one with the most votes. The "accepted" answer is really just an opportunity for the asker, to get a special privilege of promoting a specific answer. If the asker does not care to exercise that privilege, then why should we care? What would be the benefit of givengiving another anointed group a special privilege?
I disagree that we should have a special group, that gets special privileges, to choose special answers..
I think the best way to address the concern in your question, is to encourage community members to VOTE more.